Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day 7: Sioux Falls, SD to Hudson, WI

We're here!

Today was rough. We're not sure exactly what it was, but Tessa was sick all morning from 1:00AM until about 10:30. She couldn't even keep water down. We called around for advice and eventually decided to hit the road and get to our destination for the day. Fortunately for us she only threw up once on the whole ride. Fortunately partly because that sort of thing is no fun, and partly because we were quickly running out of clean clothes for her to wear.

We made a good amount of progress across the state and made our first stop in Fairmont, MN, just outside of Blue Earth. We had a very small brunch of sorts and Tessa did okay. So we pressed on. The big change in scenery today was trees. While southern Minnesota is still essentially prairie, there are progressively more trees and lakes as you head Eastward.

The rest of the drive was largely uneventful. Even the drive around the Twin Cities on 494 was smooth and without too much trouble. The only issue was that Terence hadn't written down the directions Jess' sister had given us. Jenny hadn't been answering up until we got to the cities so we were getting a little nervous that we wouldn't get our directions in time. Fortunately she did get back to us.

We pulled into Wisconsin around 2:00, and finding Jenny's place was very easy. We were all very glad to be there and she was glad to have us. Tessa and Geevee got to see their one year old cousin, Ayden. Tessa played with him in the sandbox outside. She also had a good time harassing the cats. It was really just nice being somewhere familiar.

That's all for now. We are heading to Northern Wisconsin for the final leg of our journey and staying with Jess's family for the 4th of July weekend. Interent access in the Great North Woods is questionable so we'll update later to let you all know how the apartment/job hunt is going. For those midwesterners listening in, we'll get in touch as soon as the craziness dies down a bit. Thanks again for reading.

The Clarks


Patty said...

Hello Wisconsin people!

You made it! So sorry Tessa was so sick but it always amazes me how quickly they recover. Little Ayden is just adorable and there's nothing better than the connection between sisters. It's great that she was on your way here. Have a fun 4th with family and we'll talk with you soon when all the dust settles. Thanks for including us by doing the blog. It has been so much fun.


Anonymous said...

Hi Clark Family! I am glad you did this blog as it has been most enjoyable watching you progress across the country. I'm glad you are there safe and sound and I hope you enjoy the fourth! We miss you at work, but bigger and better things await you I'm sure. Thank you for this blog. Your family is awesome. Welcome home...

Anonymous said...

welcome back to wisconsin, clark family! looking forward to seeing you someday soon!

Anonymous said...

We have really enjoyed reading your blog and looking at the pictures. So happy you have made it safely home and wish you all the best in your old/new state! Love to you all, The Ryan's

Unknown said...

The black hole of doom +2 has consumed you once again. The least you should do is have fun and enjoy your time there :)

Unknown said...

I've just caught up on the blog... funny thing is I went some where today with the folks from work that had one of those musical timed fountains and have some hysterical pictures and then I come home to read you guys did the same thing the other day. I'm glad ya'll made it back to Wisconsin and I hope Tessa is feeling better. I'll be back in New Berlin on the 16th of august so we'll have to get in touch for the fest. My love to you all! SEE YOU SOON AND WELCOME HOME

Anonymous said...

Sweet! Welcome home!